Womens Center for Hair Loss | NY - Womens Hair loss Treatment for hair restoration, hairline advancement and hair transplant photos in Miami and New York.

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City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • Meisty - Wen who?

    GREAT PRODUCT! Great price! Shipped super fast! My favorite fragrance I will buy again. No need for shampoo but I do use shampoo every other or 3rd hair washing but I follow with this product. It's a great conditioner also. Shampoo and cream rinse was not stopping me from unmanageable hair. I was going to try Wen and found this.....

  • zachswifey - Waste of a lot of money!

    I did a lot of research, as most do, when spending this much on a stroller for my toddler and new baby. I was very excited when we got this stroller because of all that it promises. Unfortunately i could not be more disappointed. This stroller is the worst $700 i have ever spent but now i am stuck with it and i hate it more every time i have to use it. I wish so bad that i would have went with a BOB double or a phil and teds. As others have noted it is NOT equipped to handle 2 children. Honestly i do not even know that it is good for one child. When just my toddler rides in the top if he leans at all in one direction the stroller pulls really hard in that direction. My husband is the jogger and he refuses to jog with this stroller. He said it is more of a pain than it is worth and would rather use a regular/non-jogging stroller than this one. When a taller child rides in the bottom of the stroller the sun shade is constantly in his or her face. I do not mean a really tall or above average height toddler. I mean a average height 2 year old. We were not concerned with how small the stroller folds down since we have a large SUV. However this stroller is so HEAVY and awkward to try to pick up and get out of my SUV. Being a mom i want to be able to do this by myself. It is possible but i look like a fool getting my butt kicked by a stroller. I would not recommend this stroller to anyone for any purpose in mind.

  • Ivan W. Ong - Did not quite like it.

    My son and I spent quite a bit of time on this machine. The assembly was easy enough and the device was well made enough. No issues there. We were trying to use it for soft toss. We much preferred the SKLZ QuickSwing PX4 Baseball Trainer, which relies on a vertical drop. This machine flings the ball in a lazy slowish parabola that made hitting trickier as it was not a vertical drop to simulate various spatial position within a hitting box for hitting. At the maximum setting to attempt to get a more vertical drop, it was still a slow lazy parabolic path. And that is my next observation: the ball speed is too low and the spring a bit too weak to get neither decent distance nor height. Maybe I have a bum unit that is weaker. Right now, with my unit, I think it would be great for T-ball kiddies who want to practice catching the ball and then throwing. I hate to give a mediocre rating but I want to be totally honest with my opinion. Thank you for reading.