Health to Wealth Calculator, Health2Cash, Health Index Calculator, CDHP/HSA Software, StayFit Plan, Wellness, CDHP Software, Fortune Health, Ltd Home - Simplicity Health provides web based tools for CDHP/HSA implementation: health to wealth calculators, Health2Cash, StayFit Plan Wellness, Point of Service payment platform, health index calculators,for Employers, Employees focused in the Wellness, and Financial Services sector,Fortune Health,,,,

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City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

  • Carol - did not check the size since it looked like a full size bottle

    Check the size of the bottle before you buy. This is a SMALL BOTTLE. The price for this product is WAY more than it should be for the size of the bottle. I, unfortunately, did not check the size since it looked like a full size bottle. Don't be fooled by one of these rip offs.

  • Megan Eddings - I'm a professional dog groomer

    I get this hoping to find a great way to de-shed customers dogs. Well, here's my profession opinion. It works on some dogs. But buyer beware! You will cut your dog it's just s saw blade in a block of wood. I could cut a small tree down with this thing. Go slow and be careful.

  • Justine - Very impressed

    These really are quite amazing. I get muscle spasms that just make me want to go nuts - I feel like I just need a whole hour hard-core deep tissue massage on one knot sometimes. The first time I tried one of these was after carrying some shopping bags had set off just such a spasm. All I was expecting was maybe a mildly distracting sensation, but the pain actually eased off significantly rather quickly, and eventually the spasm just went away. Holy Cow.

  • Timothy Doyle - Great Buy!

    I bought this set of clippers after going through a couple of cheaper ones, it gives you a skin tight fade and works great for sculping and shaping your beard. The only thing I don't like about this is that the clippers don't have a plastic cover for them to keep them oiled when you store them, other than that it is a perfect set!

  • Leon Weidmann - Bought it for the title song

    Band is better than I remembered as a kid. I went in for surgery last winter and they had me about half sedated as I was going to the or and I kept singing the song until they sedated me all the way.

  • Andrew H. - Get to know your bathroom!!!

    To quote my friend Ace Ventura, ladies and gentlemen, "lend me your rears!" Absolutely everything you may have supposed or read about these tiny little gelatinous bears is 100% true! Like so many other adventurous morons before me, I thought that these reviews were over the top. My, how wrong I was. My buddy brought these sugar free gummy bears to work one day. I should have averted my eyes, but I was drawn to their beautiful colors and soft yet springy complexion. This paired with the peer pressure was too much, and before I knew it, I had downed approximately 40 of these delicious candies.