Late Night Urgent Pharmacy & After Hours Chemist Royal Oak, Auckland - Royal Oak Pharmacy is your local, urgent and late night pharmacy. We're open 7 days, 9am - 10pm. Shop online for urgent delivery or pick up in store.

Country:, Oceania, AU

City: 151.1982 New South Wales, Australia

  • Sandy S - Oh I loved every moment!

    Fabulous story, great characters, well developed and complex! I can't wait for the next one to be re-released. We want more!

  • Lisa - second one, still a dud

    I got my husband one of these for christmas and his still works great. This is however my second one in 4 months. I'm not sure how they are breaking, I don't shower with it and I don't abuse it. The only time it gets wet is helping my toddler with bath time. The first one had a hard time being put into and taken out of sleep mode.

  • Kari G. - Amazing Results!!

    After using these supplements for a little while, it has proven to be an effective supplement to aid in weight loss (when combined with a healthy diet and exercise). I seem to feel satisfied with meals sooner and don't feel hungry as often. I also feel like I have more energy and stamina when I work out. When I've tried other stimulant diet pills in the past, I always felt like my heart was racing and I was very jittery, and I also usually had a headache. I haven't had any of those problems with NutriChem Labs NATURES BURN fat burner pill supplements. I also feel better knowing that this supplement is more natural.