Melior - Capturing the Untapped Value of Therapeutics® - Melior Discovery is dedicated to uncovering new therapeutic applications for partners' existing drugs. By utilizing the unique and highly efficient theraTRACE® indications discovery platform, Melior can systematically study a single compound in multiple in vivo models, thereby evaluating potential utility in a variety of major therapeutic areas.

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City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

  • samantha - No bad after taste

    I have tried other drink packets that leave a bad after taste. These do not! With trying to cut out soda I was getting headaches and had a hard time focusing but that has now changed. I can tell a big difference in my day if I do not drink one of these. My next step is trying the shakes to really get my weight loss on track.

  • Midori - I love Luvvie!

    The first time I discovered Luvvie was through a video she posted on Facebook that someone shared. The video was 30 minutes long and I thought to myself "I'm not about to listen to someone ranting for 30 minutes." However, I was bored and needed to waste some time, so I clicked on Luvvie's video. The time flew and I laughed the entire time. Luvvie has a way with words that is just impressive. I've been a fan of hers since then. No matter whether you have Luvvie in a video, on a blog post, or on a book, her way with words is what makes her AWESOME. I absolutely loved this book and laughed throughout the entire thing. This book isn't putting anyone down, it's telling us ALL that we can and need to do better. Luvvie's tongue my seem sharp, but she's harmless. If her words sting, then that's because YOU know that you need to do better!

  • Alishia - Great Product

    THIS MAT IS THE TRUTH!!! I've always hand cut my materials and patterns, but this mat (with the addition of a rotary) help tremendously. The mat is large enough to cut out patterns for shirts, but if your cutting anything large than that, you may want to get a larger mat.

  • FinsAndFur - Goes on pretty clear

    This gloss goes on more clear than pink. Still plumps though so that's why it gets three stars. I do have the Angelina plumper from Nyx, and I really like that one, it leaves a gold shimmer.