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  • Happy Camper - Too small!

    I was disappointed in the tiny size of the patches! I know it did not say "large" in the ad, but I expected a pain patch similar to those I buy in the store. Instead, it is about the size of an adhesive bandage you might use on scratch. On the plus side, the medication on the patch is excellent!

  • breakwaterbill - would rate zero stars if that was an option

    Many others have registered the same types of complaints. It's hard to believe a product can be this bad. My HD Hero3 Black edition freezes up randomly and cannot be restarted without removing and replacing the battery. It loses video files. It stops recording randomly. It locks up transferring files to the MAC or PC. The backpack touch screen rarely works and is useless - the touchscreen cannot be used at all when wet. Control via wifi is painfully slow, works only sporadically, and cannot be used to playback anything that has been recorded. No real information about issues and solutions is available from GoPro's online support - I have had problem ticket assigned but no actual contact with a tech rep. So far this has been about $600 totally wasted. I got this to replace a GoPro2 which was slightly more reliable but not very durable - I mistakenly assumed this one would be an improvement.

  • Theresa H. - Hair Essentials not a miracle cure, but it helps

    It does help with hair loss and it slows, down than stops that excessive loss (you know the one where you look into the tub after a shower and want to cry because there is so much hair there). I didn't know I had new hair growth, even though my beautiatian said she thought my hair felt thicker to her and my natural curl was coming back. My nails were finally growing again and thicker. Unfortunately I stopped taking it for two months to see if it really had worked (very dumb idea). Well for me it does because my hair started falling out after two weeks, became visably noticable to me and my family that it was thinner after a month and a half. My beautiatian noticed it was not as healthy and thinner at my hair appointment, she was quite dissappointed I had stopped taking it and suggested I go back on it.

  • Zeeky - I started the 24 day challenge and was doing GREAT! However

    I started the 24 day challenge and was doing GREAT! However, my heart began palpitating like crazy! It was VERY scary! I showed the ingr list to a registered nurse, as well as a Doctor... BOTH said to get OFF the 24 day challenge. I was told there are several ingredients that COULD potentially cause heart rhythm issues. I was on it 8 days, and had lost 8 lbs. I had to go off and within 3 days my heart was about 80% better... however, I will be seeing a dr for my heart issues as it has never gone back to a normal rhythm- it is BETTER, but not normal. It has been about 2 months. This obviously does not happen to everyone, but it DOES happen! It has happened to ME! TAKE IT TO YOUR DOCTOR and ask what they think of the ingredient list... best be safe than sorry!

  • Amazon Customer - Great Case

    Great case. Exactly what I expected. Keeps the phone well protected while not having a covering on the screen. If that's what you are looking for then it's a great case for you

  • Fisher - Nice card program

    I used the Hallmark software program this weekend to make a card for a First Communion when I could not find a card at a local retail store. It seemed very easy to use. I like that you have an option to do double-sided prints on a single sided printer; although I did not use that feature. I looked through the various templates/projects. Lots of possibilities! I printed the card and pasted it onto card stock I have at home. The cards look really good.

  • Mind Trip - Intuit's customer support is a joke.

    Intuit's customer support is a joke. If you want to waste your day, or days in my case, talking to "customer service" an overseas, clueless person, who just wants to sell you a subscription for product support, buy an Intuit product. Thick accent "Debbie" (who was actually had a man's voice) kept telling me "Mam, you will have to buy support since you did not just purchase this program, it's been over 2 months." Never mind if it's actually a programming glitch in the way Intuit's POS program takes non taxable sales and updates them in Quickbooks PRO as taxable. Never mind that the POS program didn't charge the customer the sales tax, however now QB PRO the sales tax liability report is showing your business now owes the sales tax. How much time do you have to waste trying to figure out which sales out of the hundreds made that month are inaccurate. Not to mention that Intuit's POS program never has kept accurate inventory. Don't even get me started on that! One would think that if the same company makes accounting software and point of sale software that the programming would allow the data to flow accurately from one to the other. But then that would make too much sense and how would "Debbie" sell those support subscriptions!