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  • E. A. Stafford - Okay

    I bought this to try and repair some serious styling I had done to my hair based on the recommendations of my stylist and I was relatively pleased. It did help my hair but it was quite honestly such a chore to use at home I don't see myself as ever using it again...unless I really fry it again.

  • jluczky - GOOD LUCK!

    I can tell you hindsight from taking the NCLEX 2014 that many of the sample questions in this review book were very similar to the test. This is NOT the only study resource you should use, but Do understand the sample questions in it. I wish I had done so, for confidence purposes. You'll see what I mean after the exam. GOOD LUCK!!!

  • Eric Lee - Get this ball

    I was initially concerned about buying this ball. I had read good things, but was unsure if I could like this ball as much as the Molten Pro Touch. I played with it the other day for the first time and immediately noticed how easy it was to pass, set, and hit. This is a hitters ball! The other thing you immediately notice is how easy this ball is to see and how well this ball floats and sets - no more bad sets! This ball is softer than the Pro Touch/Super Touch yet it plays just as hard. It feels like genuine leather not "plasticky" like I've read in some reviews. The group I generally play with is a diverse group of players and not a single person (from AA to near terrible) complained about this ball. If you are on the fence about this ball, take the won't regret it.