Western Cardiology Associates - Victoria, BC - Western Cardiology Associates is a cardiology medical office located on Hillside Avenue in Victoria, BC.

  • http://westerncardiology.net/doctors.html Our Doctors - Western Cardiology Associates - Western Cardiology Associates is a cardiology medical office located on Hillside Avenue in Victoria, BC.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -118.4041 California, United States

  • Steve - Don't waste your money

    As a dietitian, I can say that the products sold by this company are an absolute scam. Don't waste your money.

  • Jay Mey - Fantastic plant based ingredients!

    I really enjoyed the plant fusion taste and texture. The product is reasonably priced. I just started the vegetarian lifestyle about a year ago, and I am really pleased with the plant based ingredients. I mix the powder with almond or cashew milk in the blender, and add blueberries, avocado, banana, fresh spinach and milled flax/chia seeds. It gives me a very satisfied fullness that lasts about 4 hours. I usually make a double batch so I have some for the next morning and only have to clean the blender once. :).

  • Erin Bond - Good products

    I am doing a rapid fat loss diet program and am concerned with supporting my liver in detoxing and fat burning. I'm also taking the thyroid support. I really felt a difference with the thyroid support. The only difference I've noticed so far with liver support has been a tendency to get drunk faster so I take that to mean my liver is processing things faster now. :) I will continue to take both on my weightloss journey.

  • A. Hobbs - Excellent silver polish

    Never dull is the best silver polish I have ever tried. As a caterer I do a lot of silver polishing and this is the easiest and best product I have ever used.

  • Evella Matthews - Love this stuff!

    The caffeine on an empty stomach made me feel a little sick, as I am not a caffeine user. I found that taking it about an hour after a light snack made it much more tolerable. I love the energy levels it gave me. I am a very petite, but athletic person, so whether I am working out or running around chasing my grandchildren, one pill a day is all it takes for me!

  • Daniel J. Pickering - "unflavored" contains multiple sweeteners

    If you're considering buying the unflavored version, you are probably looking for a vegan/organic protein supplement to mix into a shake or as a meal replacement.

  • Blue Shoes Cosplay - ... just recently started pole and a friend of mine recommended this stuff to me

    I just recently started pole and a friend of mine recommended this stuff to me. Originally I was going to buy it in town, but the pole studio was selling it for almost $30. Luckily, I have amazon prime, so this came in super fast and super cheap. It works like a dream :D my hands sweat a lot, so I do have to reapply fairly frequently, but that's no big deal. A little goes a very long way and since you can buy a two pack for pretty cheap, it doesn't bother me.