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  • Nancyk - it works

    It worked for me... the author is easy to read, and doesn't include a lot of technical crap, just puts his theory out there in common terms. I read the book and he had me convinced I could lower my A1C level, so I tried it. If you don't cheat, it works great. There are a lot of recipes of actual good things to eat that are easy to make and not terribly expensive. If you seriously need to lose weight or lower your sugar level, this works great.

  • Amazon Customer - The ability to switch apps and for them to stiill be active is amazing. Great phone

    Marvellous phone! Just as expected. Arrived some days late but I'm sure it was because the company ships all their orders in an specific date and that's why they offer several days or hours to order for the Prime Shipping. The first day I used it, It overheated A LOT, I was worried because I didn't want to return it after all the days I waited and the complication of waiting again for another one. But i searched the problem up and its normal for it to occur the first day, its setting up anyways, first day of startup. Until now, I've had it for about 2 months. The S7 Edge, exceeds expectations. Runs games smoothly and fast! The ability to switch apps and for them to stiill be active is amazing. Great phone, I'll update this soon with more information on how I'm doing with it.

  • Grandma Moose - Perfect fit for 2015 Prius

    Perfect fit for 2015 Prius. They look terrific, it's as if they've always been there! Don't be put off by the box saying that it's for the 2010. Apparently there have been no body changes that effect the fit for 2010 - 2015 'regular' Prius.

  • Veronica Norris - definitely the safest

    I don't care if it's not the prettiest, it's the BEST! The end of February 2015 my baby and I were in a very serious car accident. It started with me hitting black ice and over correcting which sent our Rogue into a cartwheeling frenzy across four lanes of traffic into an 18 wheeler and bouncing off of an embankment. Our car was left demolished laying on its top in the middle of the highway. People were scared to walk up to the car bc they saw the baby on board sign and didn't think anyone could have survived what they witnessed. One man, a military medic came to help. I pulled my baby out of his car seat and handed him to the medic who couldn't find anything wrong but red marks from his straps. That's all any of the medics and doctors could ever find wrong with him. Some strap bruising. I didn't fair as well but I'm alive. Every doctor, nurse, paramedic and x Ray tech that took care of us wanted to know what kind of car seat he was in and some wrote it down so they could buy one for their own child or niece, nephew, etc. Obviously we replaced it with an identical one 😃