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  • Flowers48 - A treasure hunt with no treasure

    Diablo 3 entreats us to try our luck and seek out ultimate treasures and magical shiny things to defeat diablo.

  • Lkretz - Worked like a charm

    This stuff will get rid of any little creatures you don't want around. And it didn't leave a residue.

  • Amazon Customer - Don't stay ignorant...

    All I can say is wow! Why haven't I learned this kind of information about my health before?! Priceless and profound book. I began highlighting and making notes...IN THE FORWARD! That's how good this book is!

  • Amazon Customer - Too Much Speculation!

    The book is OK even if though it contains some bizarre speculations and assumptions. It's major purpose seems to try to convince people that the US was not really founded upon Christian Biblical principles due to the Masonic influence of the Founding Fathers. The speculative conclusion drawn is that since this is a historical fact that the US was singled out to unite the world in the New World Order under the UN globalist agenda. The book makes one think but then goes off course with too much speculation, in my opinion.

  • Trickycee - Kick ass

    This is a great game... Hence not recommended for people who have never worked out a day in their life.. The excercises are formatted for people who are accustom to working out and are gym oriented not for beginners .. It's a great workout when you are pressed for time and can't make it to the gym ..if you are looking for an intense workout this is it ... Absolutely love it I bought another one for my friends ... Also it was well worth the price and shipping was fast the product was also in brand new condition !!!

  • Timothy Hodges - 50 songs for less than 10 bucks.

    I've bought these every year since 2001 and I wasn't disappointed with this year. A great mixture of songs for long car rides. Only drawback is I would like to have had it autorip for my Amazon cloud.