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  • Amazon Customer - PlayStation VR is amazing!

    After playing with it for over the past 10 days, I can say this:The lenses fog up with the slightest breath on it, from something touching the lenses or simply from sweating. the resolution is bad. the most accurate way to describe the resolution is it's like putting on glasses except the glass is replaced by a screen, like a screen door. However, VR is an amazing experience and it is a fairly new technology. I can't wait to see where VR goes from here. In conclusion, it's more than worth it for the price compaired to other VR systems, and it makes every game a thousand times better (even with low resolution)! I hope that PlayStation VR 2 has 4k resolution!

  • Groceries - Beautiful coat over pink tub — tips for painting around the drain and patching the original coats

    Our house was built in the 60s, so it came with a horrid pink tub. Not even a fun pink, more like dirty make-up. It was, however, in beautiful shape. When we took the plunge to refinish the bathroom, we didn't want to cover the perfectly good tub with plastic, nor did we want to replace it with a new white one. It just didn't seem worth the cost and mess.