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Country:, Europe, IE

City: -6.2595 Leinster, Ireland

  • Joshua - great buy

    I liked the box it fit really good under the seat, the only problem i had with it was if you have deep subs they might not fit. My subs sound really good in it, the box sounds a lot better then the plastic sub boxes.

  • Victor - Good in between the next big book read.

    Lots of normally unknown stuff, most where details on history and facts you only know the basics or hear say of. Good to get the rounded out full set of info on. read it you'll like it too

  • Robin Kuppusamy - Amazing

    I am only writing this review in response to some of the negative reviews. I said the same thing when writing my Haan steam mop (which I still love a year later). You must clean your floors regularly for them to be clean.

  • Suzanne Martin - Okay but not a great option

    I started this program because a friend lost 40 lbs on it and I was excited about Facebook posts that said it is very effective for the midsection. I'll admit that I had a hard time following it to a T. I'm a busy professional and I think changing your habits over night is a bit challenging. I will say that I did dramatically change my habits overall but I did not full eliminate things like wine and cheese. I would say I followed it 75%. While I fit into my pants a bit more easily, I did not loose any weight per se and this is an expensive program. Also in terms of ingredients, they are good but if you do your research. There are healthier and cheaper options. I'm going to try vegansmart after this. Like Isagenix, the shakes are tasty but better ingredients. It is also half the price of Isagenix. Btw the cleanse day drinks do not taste good, cold robituson is a good description but it is not utterly disgusting.