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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Mel's Mrs. - Good book, except for...

    As a wife of 25 years, I thought this was a great book, except for a few really bad parts... I found the parts about being a player absolutely revolting, and disrespectful to women making us sound like objects. p 191-2 Is this book not addressing MARRIED MEN? That part is for junkyard dogs!

  • Sarasuds - Didn't really care for this book

    My husband says "It was an idea big enough for a greeting card, but instead they turned it into a book." It just didn't have enough substance to keep everyone interested. They read it once and never went back to it.

  • Justin - Great beginners set!

    After doing extensive research on a gold set in the price range of 100-250 USD, I went with this one. Previously I bought a 120USD set from Walmart, I returned them after one game, not that they were terrible clubs, but I could feel the lack of quality. So i bought this set and they day it arrived (2days after ordering) I went and played 9 holes.