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  • Matt Bryant - A necessary discussion continued well

    There are plenty of reasons to continue the debate or simply disagree with Mr Murray but I find it difficult to fault him for engaging a difficult subject in a compelling way. His hypothesis and assumptions are impeachable and many of his observations are admittedly anecdotal, which he admits, but few will disagree with the the observation that social America is indeed coming apart in new ways. I personally doubt very much that his hypothetical uber class is in fact cognitively superior based on the results this new Ivy League aristocracy has returned. One of his conclusions appears beyond reproach: if the People fail, so will the American experiment. America is coming apart because the People have surrendered to the balance of power to a ruling class. Why we have done that, and how to fix it, are necessary debates to which Mr. Murray has added substantial value and insight.

  • ELMA EATON - Horrible customer service!

    I use 2012 version and called ACT/SWIFTPAGE to get another license. They gave me a price to add a license of $67.45, then they charged me $467.49 (I previously purchased 6 licenses for $1077.00 = $179.50 each. Now they are charging $467.49 each? More than triple the price! When I received the email (within minutes of ordering) I immediately called to tell them to cancel the order and never even opened the email with the license link. They asked me what I had originally wanted the license for, I told them it was to have my EA check periodically to make sure customers were not being forgotten and were getting service. I explained that I would just have my EA look it up on my user name. They accused me of Piracy and refused to give a refund. I previously bought 6 licenses and I can use them any way I choose!!! I can put any name I choose on the licenses including Daffy Duck, and share the login with anyone or everyone in my office if I like!!!

  • D.W. - Wait until the bugs are fixed.

    I bought this brewer knowing about the DRM on it. A small square of paper colored with a neon Sharpie taped under the sensor will allow any cup and also open up the entire menu for those that want to brew a 12 or 16 oz cup. My issue lies with the build of the 2.0. My initial brewer would not brew a carafe. While waiting for the new reservoir to "fix" this, the brewer when turned on started pumping cold water everywhere. Keurig sent a new brewer. Again, it would not brew a carafe. It also would not brew 2 cups in a row. Got the oops on the 2nd cup despite the appropriate kcup. Kuerig sent a 2nd replacement. That one was dead on arrival. Got a 3rd replacement. This one does not brew a carafe either. Keurig sent ANOTHER new reservoir. Of course, this did not fix the problem. I'm not an engineer, but I'm pretty sure this is a sensor issue, not a reservoir issue. Now today, the usually clicky pump is giving out...long periods of silence during brewing and only 1/2 cups. Only spits out an ounce of water on the hot water setting as well. All of this in the span of 2 months. I cannot recommend this brewer until the bugs are worked out. I've gone to eBay and purchased several 1.0 models. ( Gave my workhorse B66 away when I bought the 2.0 ) I saw that Keurig is giving out free 2.0's on their Facebook page. Expect an onslaught of glowing reviews soon!