HENRI BISCHOFF | Blog de Henri Bischoff que aborda temas relacionados ao emagrecimento conduzido pelo uso racional de medicação. - Blog de Henri Bischoff que aborda temas relacionados ao emagrecimento conduzido pelo uso racional de medicação.

  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/09/22/faltaram-capsulas-no-meu-tratamento-e-agora/ Faltaram cápsulas no meu tratamento. E agora? | HENRI BISCHOFF - FALTANDO REMÉDIOS NO MEU FRASCO Quase que diariamente escuto na prática clinica reclamações referentes à falta de medicação quando estão terminando o pacote. Por exemplo: se administro 60 cápsulas de remédio X 50 mg com 60 cápsulas de composto y de 100 mg os pacientes ( alguns nem todos) reclamam que faltaram 2 composto e…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/09/21/serie-saladas-emagrecedoras-para-serem-comidas-a-noite-parte-viii-folhas-verdes-ao-molho-de-maracuja/ SÉRIE SALADAS EMAGRECEDORAS PARA SEREM COMIDAS A NOITE – PARTE VIII Folhas Verdes ao Molho de Maracujá. | HENRI BISCHOFF - SÉRIE SALADAS EMAGRECEDORAS PARA SEREM COMIDAS A NOITE - PARTE VIII Folhas Verdes ao Molho de Maracujá. Esta linda e singela salada foi feita por minha esposa Ana Paula e repasso aos amigos e pacientes interessados em emagrecer com saúde e elegância. Coloque suco de 1/2 limão, 1 copo de suco de maracujá, 3 colheres…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/06/03/duvidas-a-respeito-de-tratamentos-de-obesidade/ DUVIDAS A RESPEITO DE TRATAMENTOS DE OBESIDADE | HENRI BISCHOFF - DÚVIDAS A RESPEITO DE MEDICAMENTOS NOVOS E DE MEDICAMENTOS ANTIGOS E NOVAS TÉCNICAS DE EMAGRECIMENTO Todos os dias me perguntam se as anfetaminas já foram liberadas. Chego a ficar chateado porque essa informação será de domínio público, divulgada na mídia em massa aos quatro ventos se um dia for liberada. Não será o Dr Henri…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/06/03/render-se-para-vencer/ RENDER-SE PARA VENCER | HENRI BISCHOFF - RENDER-SE PARA VENCER "A ajuda ao obeso só começa quando somos capazes de admitir a derrota completa" Completa derrota, que ideia! Isso deve significar rendição. Render-se : desistir completamente. Abandonar sem nenhuma restrição. Mãos ao alto e abandonar a luta. Talvez, levantar a mão para um médico e admitir que somos obesos. Como sabemos que…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/06/03/os-7-naos-para-ficar-em-forma-para-sempre/ OS 7 NÃOS PARA FICAR EM FORMA PARA SEMPRE | HENRI BISCHOFF - OS 7 NÃOS QUE VOCÊ TEM QUE DIZER PARA FICAR COM O CORPO EM FORMA 1. Não tome álcool: A cerveja é chamada pão líquido de tanto que engorda. As demais bebidas também engordam pelas calorias do álcool. Incham demais e deixam-nos com preguiça ao exercício. O álcool estimula o mesmo centro do prazer que…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/06/03/retorno-as-consultas-de-emagrecer/ RETORNO ÀS CONSULTAS DE EMAGRECER | HENRI BISCHOFF - A questão do retorno às consultas de emagrecimento Diariamente observo pacientes reclamando que voltam a engordar . Olhando sua ficha constato que deveriam voltar há 3 ou 4 meses antes.... Como o organismo tem gravado na memória o peso máximo por 2 anos se eu parar a medicação antes disso adivinhe o que me vai…
  • https://henribischoff.com/2016/06/03/modismos-em-obesidade/ MODISMOS EM OBESIDADE | HENRI BISCHOFF - RESPOSTAS PARA NOVIDADES No mundo da obesidade sempre existem novidades... Dieta da proteína, Dieta Duncan, Gojy Berry, chá verde, chá do amanhecer, aplicações de beta-HCG, comer abacaxi por 7 dias , etc. Os pacientes sempre tiram suas dúvidas comigo perguntando se são eficazes essas novidades. Estão certos porque existe muito interesse econômico em ganhar dinheiro…

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  • Karen W - This was so much more!

    This book was awesome. I read the synopsis and thought it sounded like it would be a good book...I was wrong...It was a GREAT book! This book grabbed me and it still hasn't let me go! Please hurry with the next book!

  • Mark Twain - "Best" is Subjective

    There I was, tipsy and in the mood for a so-called reputable short story collection; I'd browsed the indie lit mags and found some lacking, some not, still hungry for something, well, I don't know. Established? Renowned? Curated?

  • Lucy Murphy - Overcoming my Fear

    I was in my kitchen making easy mac n cheese one day when all of a sudden, I notice a huge ship outside my window! I rushed to my computer, went on amazon, bought this book, waited four days for it to be delivered, read it twice, then stepped to the side and let the huge ship pass.

  • Lenny Pelcowski - T-Shirt or Blessing from God?

    I must admit that before reading these 478 reviews I had strong reservations about the wolf t-shirt. I feared it may be too powerful. I especially worried about its affect on my rehab group therapy members. By after spending all of my work-release day reading and re-reading the reviews, I came away believing the shirt possessed more power for good than evil. So many lives had been touched in a positive way by the wolf shirt, and frankly I wanted some of that magic to rub off, particularly with my sentencing date approaching. So I pulled the trigger (a phrase I should refrain from using so close to my court appearance) and ordered what I then saw as my 'wardrobe of salvation'. When I arrived at the courthouse, I half-expected the prosecutor - who must have grown up in these same Kentucky hills - to take one look at the shirt, wipe a tear from his eye, and recommend the dismissal of all charges. But unfortunately when I found myself in the same room with my co-defendants for the first time since the regrettable incident, I was shocked to find they were all three wearing wolf shirts (though none as fabulous as my own). The judge assumed it was a sign of stone-walling solidarity and perhaps even a threat of gang-related retaliation, and he sent us all to separate prisons around the state. But I do not blame the wolf shirt. It now awaits me with the rest of my personal belongings in a storeroom near central processing. Some nights, as I lay quietly in my cell, I can hear the wolf shirt calling to me, howling in an encouraging manner. I do not blame you wolf shirt, I do not blame you...

  • Scott C. - Great Little Generator

    I have a small wood shop that I occasionally need an extra shot of power. I live in the Midwest where it typically gets very cold in the winter. I recently ran my 15amp heater and air filter with the generator for about 3 hours one cold day. I received it, filled it up with gas and oil and pulled the recoil starter and it started on the first pull and ran until I shut it off. Another day I ran my shop vac system and table saw on the generator. After a 3 or 4 second surge, the voltage stabilized and ran unabated. This generator is real good up to 3,000 watts. I did trip it when I ran what I estimated to be 3,200 watts connected to it. This included a 15 amp shop lamp, 15 amp heater and 1.5 amp air cleaner. It performs as I need it too and if we ever do have a power outage I can run my fridge and freezer without issue. For the money, this is a great little generator and I would recommend this to any hobbyist who needs and extra boost of power or to the pro needing some work site help with small wattage equipment. BTW..there are lots of forums out there questioning if the generator needs grounded or not. I called the factory rep that sells these locally. He stated he has sold over 500 of these. He has never heard of anyone pounding the 8' rod into the ground. Common sense is the key with anything electric. Don't get it wet, don't use it past what it is suppose to be used for and keep it in good operating condition. I grew up on a farm, we had 6K - 9K generators on the back of our tractors and pick-ups. Never grounded one of them and all of us are alive and kicking.:)..