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  • Jordan Wittenhagen - 2015 crosstrek

    It fit my crosstrek when I removed the top rubber cushions, it fits snug but I'm afraid it might scratch a little missing the cushions but not worried enough to spend the extra $70 to get the Subaru crossbars

  • paxfax - SSD EVO - Countdown to Ecstasy

    All I can say is SSD's will completely change the performance of your computer. Its like getting a new one...with twin turbos and a blower. You have also navigated to THE one to buy. I do crazy research on these things, and have an entire IT department with veins in their forehead and wear glass bubble helmets to consult with...although I need my English to Jargon translator handy. This is the SSD Holy Land...the EVO is the one...buy it...get out your catchers mitt for Amazon delivery and have an open bay ready. Strap your self to a chair...fire it up...and BLAST OFF....!!!

  • Anthony - a reasonable camcorder - at a great price

    This is a small, lightweight, reasonably priced digital camcorder. It's suitable for amateur or professional video recording, and performs adequately for making home movies. it's actually a nice piece of equipment - with some good specifications.

  • Lisa A. Hawkins - Decent, but there are less expensive alternatives

    I like this product and I've used it for a long time, but I do notice that if I use too much, I end up look chalky. Sometimes I feel like I need to use more to get the coverage I want, but if I do, I end up a tad chalky. Honestly, I have moved to Physicians formula makeup which is less expensive, provides good coverage, and never leaves me chalky.

  • Christina lol - not real

    If you just want to collect boards their is a perfect option for you (except the planchette). If you're looking to really contact spirits don't bother. Even trying this alone got me no where. I'm going to try it in a darker setting where I'm sure there are spirits with friends but I don't think this thing actually works. I EVEN BLESSED IT