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  • Christy - The Real Deal

    This is the real deal and people that write the bad reviews are usually resellers for Young Living - and not verified buyers.

  • tatonbaton - Recommend to anyone, even people who have no problems with digestion. Great eye opener.

    Very informative book. It literally opened my eyes on what can cause all my ailments, from hair loss and chronic fatigue to multiple digestive problems and persistent acne. After reading this book, I literally ran to take a few blood tests (iron, folate, b12, selen, copper, zinc). The results support the findings in this book. My iron is extremely low, for example, even though I eat meat almost every day. I made simple changes to my diet (as was suggested in chapter 7), my digestive issues improved considerably. And it's been 3 days only after I finished reading it. I hope to see improvements in other areas as well soon. The only thing that bothered me a little is that so much repetitive information is dedicated to heartburn in this book.

  • Robert Matthews - Terror in the dark

    The Earthrise series is about the resilience of the human spirit. Of reaching into the depths of yourself and pulling out victory when all seems lost. I look forward to reading the last of this series, "Earthfire".