Welcome - The Community Rheumatology Service - The Modality Community Rheumatology Service includes a multidisciplinary team of Extended scope physiotherapists, GP’s with specialist interest, Rheumatology Nurse specialists, and Academic rheumatology consultants.   We have Xray and community ultrasound facilities and support research nurses. Most importantly, for patients with long term conditions you will be offered an appointment in the nurse led clinic at the health centre nearest to where you live.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -79.6591 Ontario, Canada

  • Russ - I like the the premise and the actors

    I like the the premise and the actors. I just think I would like to see one of these characters actually win at one of their endeavors. No matter what they do to improve themselves they seem to always end up eating the same sh#t sandwich! I know,I know, THAT IS THE PREMISE...

  • Kaycee - advice to the author

    Best you can do now is announce at next AOM that all proceeds from the book (if there aren't any, dig into your own pocket) are going on the bar at the next squadron event. Make fun of yourself and make amends to those you offended. A little humility goes a long way in the flying world. You'll still be made fun of, but it will be friendly vice mean. Naval Aviation is quite forgiving to those that own up to their mistakes. Worst thing you can do is get all defensive.

  • Books And Spoons - Dark and eerie tale

    For the very last moments, this story is filled with danger, action, history, and romance. It is addictively alluring with the intriguing characters, both dead and alive, and the murder mysteries, that seem to come too close to home for the brave heroine.

  • twins mom 22 - Smooth gel with a scent of cucumber

    This is a nice smooth eye gel. It comes with one of those fancy push down pumps which eliminate the need to dig your finger into a jar. Much more sanitary and much less mess. The gel is clear and has almost a cooling effect when you put it on. You can also smell the hint of cucumber which is nice and refreshing. I do feel like it firms the skin so this is likely what reduces the puffiness and the cooling sensation would also help to reduce any swelling. Overall I recommend this product. Disclaimer: I received this item at a discount for my honest review.