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  • A. H. Wells - Best I've Found

    I've used a lot of different mops over the years, and at the moment, this is my favorite. It's light, easy to use, easy to wring, easy to clean, and does a good job on my floors. What more could you ask of a mop?

  • Florida Grandma - Really works!!

    This stuff is great. Just mix it, spray it on and wait for the rain. Can get it cheaper at , when they have it in stock.

  • SEADEVIL - AMAZING.. MECHANIC wanted $1500+ to replace Head Gaskets

    AMAZING..MECHANIC wanted $1500+ to replace Head Gaskets. I saw this and put it in 8-9 monthes ago and it STOPPED the leak completely and I still have no leaks at all even running the SUV at 75-80 mph on trips. I recommend this to everybody i talk to.

  • Beverly - Great Book, exciting action, good character development

    I absolutely loved this book. I stayed up till three am to read it. Each book in the trilogy gets better. This one was more fast paced but the reader still knew the emotions of the characters. I loved this book because it has action and emotion at the same time. The characters are not static. They grow throughout the book. I also enjoyed the surprise ending.

  • Kenneth Harrigan - Enjoyable Over and Over

    Four Hercules films came out in 2014 that I know about and I own three. This one is the best for several reasons:

  • deepthinker - Amazingly fast router with a ton of options, but beware of USB 3.0 port external drive compatibility. I've returned this router

    I had a WD My Book Duo RAID-1 USB 3.0 only unit with two WD Red 2 TB drives in it and a two Mac machine household. Well I was having to leave one of the Macs with the connected enclosure fully powered up 24/7 without sleeping/Power Nap for Time Machine backups to occur from the second Mac. I also had an old draft 802.11ac router that I've had to reboot several times lately making me think it is on its way to dying. So, I thought, wouldn't it be great if I could get a new 802.11ac router with a USB 3.0 port and native Time Machine capability. Than I can let the Macs Power Nap and wake up only when they want to do a backup or we are using them. This router appeared to fit the bill perfectly.

  • Kitty Brown - Not for me.

    Being a sci-fi lover I enjoy all types of Movies & Books. I have been pleasantly surprised by some movies in the past and I have endured some to the point of (" I can't stand anymore"). With an open mind , I started watching this movie and within the first 10 min, I had ,had enough. I try to give all films an equal footing and I can't say this is one for me. This may appeal to some who love B-movies but due to the special effects and poor filming , I would not recommend this film if your a true Sci-fi lover.