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  • Robin - Though nail is not beautiful yet.

    Thank you. I have been plagued with an ugly toenail fungus over a year. I have been to the doctor, was on a month long antifungul prescription - then later went back and was on a three-month long prescription (which I had to go have a liver function test during the cycle). Nothing really happened. I have been using this since it arrived. Though nail is not beautiful yet....it sure is a lot better than it has been. I am hoping this is the cure....will have to see until enough time passes for nail to completely grow out. I am hopeful! Thank you.

  • JDin - I'm done beta testing for Garmin

    This one is not ready for primetime yet. I've used it for almost 4 weeks, and have decided to go back to my reliable Garmin 800. The 820 is a nice unit and a nice package with some great features, but it is not stable.