Zāļu valsts aģentūra - Zāļu valsts aģentūra (ZVA) ir Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrijas pārraudzībā esoša valsts iestāde. Aģentūras darbības mērķis ir nodrošināt efektīvu, drošu un kvalitatīvu zāļu pieejamību Latvijas iedzīvotājiem.

Country:, Europe, LV

City: 23.1567 Tukuma Rajons, Latvia

  • J. Gallaugher - Great starter Commander Deck

    I managed to find this deck at a local Target for MSRP, so I can't complain about the higher prices people are charging.

  • rachet - Dont Buy

    This bed is the worst ever. Dosent fit my queen size bed exactly. It leaves a few inches on each side, depending on if one side is push all the way over, which causes your bed to slip off track. The frame that comes with it (not the one you have to buy seperate which is ridiculas) dosent hold for long periods of time. I weight no more than 170 if that, and i had this bed about a month now and its frames are starting to fall apart on me. smdh absolutely the worst i ever had. Please dont buy this product.