Southwest Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialists - At Southwest ENT Dr. Bates treats ear, nose, and throat disorders in both adults and children in north texas. our Dallas office now offers a comprehensive new hearing lab for infants, children, and adults, and a complete line of hearing aids and services.

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City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • robinalysia - 3 year old grandson loves this

    My 3 year old grandson loves this toy. He was really impressed when he pulled out the ramp to load the tractor onto the truck and the truck made "ramp" sounds. He now loads his airplanes from the planes movie to move them to the "race".

  • c.adams - I have 4C hair, that's coarse hair. And ...

    I have 4C hair, that's coarse hair. And i started using this product and it did not help. It made my hair dryer,, I was looking for a moisturizer and this did not help. I would not be trying this product.

  • Rod Sparks - Very strong glue! Don't get it on your hands!

    This worked great for fixing the rubber piece that was coming off on the top of my car, although I used too much. Warning DO NOT GET THIS ON YOUR HANDS! This took lots of scrubbing with several Brillo pads and many different glue removing chemicals to get off my hands. This was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to scrub off my hands. I'm surprised my skin is still there. Very strong glue! Attached is a video which shows me applying this glue to repair the rubber piece on my car: