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  • Shopper22 - Works alright, about the same a a standard window cleaner

    I was hoping to be WOW'd by this product due to many of the other reviewers who love it. I have been using on the mirrors in my bathrooms and on my dresser mirrors in the house - eh. It cleans them and does a pretty decent job, but some slight streaking or marking does remain. I've tried cleaning the mirrors with paper towels, and a cloth. I get the same results.

  • e777 - best volleyball ever

    Bought this for my brother and his friedns who play twice a week. He loves it and says it's the best volleyball he has ever played with. He also has the Molten Pro Touch and prefers this one over it.

  • R. Rutledge - Love the glossing shampoo

    Love the Fekkai Glossing shampoo. Leaves my hair shinier, and the smell is great (cucumber/melon/aloe). This kit is a great way to try all three products without sending a ton of money.

  • Craig atkins - One of the best protection screen out there

    Imo? One of the best protection screen out there. I bought this for my S5 a while back then bought something else for my tablet, I was disappointed when I got the something else one.... it was cheap plastic. . Nice and all but I wouldn't want to drop anything on that cover..