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City of Philadelphia: City of Philadelphia - Official site of the City of Philadelphia, includes information on municipal services, permits, licenses, records for citizens and businesses

  • Visit Philadelphia - Official Visitor and Tourism Site for Philadelphia - - is the official visitor website for Philadelphia travel and tourism information including hotels, restaurants, events, things to do, history, museums, nightlife, shopping, attractions and more.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -75.1452 Pennsylvania, United States

  • Margery L. Goldstein - Fast-moving, fun read

    "Ink Mage" is a charming, not-so-heavy (yet far from lightweight) sword-and-sorcery story. In general, it is well-paced, though it wraps up too quickly. I assume there will be a sequel, as a few threads were left hanging.

  • Rocinante - Great drive - crummy software

    5 stars for the drive, 0 stars for the software that comes with it. I used the clone drive software that Samsung provided with the drive. It said it cloned my windows 10 hard drive successfully, but after installing it my computer could not detect the new drive, and claimed it had no operating system.

  • Karyn Steinfeldt - COBRA FI2000 PowerPro PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT

    Very easy install on 2010 Kawaski Voyager (if you have offset (90 degree) needle nose pliers as directions suggest). Very noticeable improvement in Bike performance. Immediate throttle response with improved torque in every gear. Previously installed K&N air filter. Had more air coming in and 1 ¼” Baffles going out but the original fuel mapping so some but not much performance improvement. Now, with the Cobra Fi2000 PowerPro the bike is quicker and much smoother. Less downshifting necessary. I can take a turn in 4th gear at 1400 rpm’s and accelerate smoothly. The Cobra seems to always provide the correct amount of fuel for the bike to run great.

  • Roger W Hancock - PoetPatriot . com - Great for scouring off those stains from granite counter tops

    Great for scouring off those stains from granite counter tops, sinks, and tubs. It does take some elbow grease but then what doesn't?

  • Happy Reader - Really good information

    This book has really been helpful to me as I haven't used Quick Books for 5 years and just went into using the 2012 version. The program has changed so much I couldn't have done it without this

  • Ray west iii - nice set for the garden.

    Firstly these clippers both have some decent heft to them. not in a bad way but in a sturdy, seemingly well built sort of way. Interesting design on these to keep them closed. the small pair has just the leather circle you slip over the nonbuttoned side. Simple and effective. the bigger one is like a ar15 safety you thumb it down nice and simple/effective as well. seem to be well designed and thought out. tried to snip a few branches with the bigger one and went through easy. the small ones tips are not super precise. not effective for extremely precise cuts but both together can handle pretty much any garden need besides trees lol. I'm happy with them.