Dott.ssa Paola Signorelli - medico chirurgo specialista in scienza dell'alimentazione e dietetica medico in medicina generale esperto in omeopatia omotossicologia medicine integrate esperto e consulente in medicina antiaging
Country:, Europe, IT
City: 12.2944 Provincia di Treviso, Italy
“Yes, a hummingbird’s heart beats over twelve hundred times in one minute. Its tiny body has to work so hard just to survive, but it not only lives, it flourishes. Like you. After all you’ve been through, you keep fighting, keep trying to make things better for yourself and others. My hummingbird.”
I liked this more than I probably should have. A general description is a merger between Conan the Barbarian and the Hercules TV series from years back.
This bag arrived on my doorstep last week, and since then I have been carrying it to and from work every day. I was so happy I found this color in a size Small (it's sold out all over the internet and more expensive on the direct brand's website). I purchased this looking for a bag that would a) not ruin my back due the weight and b) fit my netbook and other graduate-school items such as textbooks, portable hard drive, etc. First of all, I can fit all of my textbooks, netbook, papers, cords, and other little things I used to keep in my purse, with enough room to shove my water bottle in on the side. When it rains, which it has several times this week, the water is completely repelled by the awesome "ballistic" material. When it stops raining, however, I can loosen both of the straps on the front flap and slide my umbrella perfectly along the bottom of the bag, pulling the straps a bit to make the fit tighter.
If you see from the picture the key has four buttons and a blank physical key within it. The one I received had three buttons, missing the panic button altogether and the key was not a blank, but had been used.
I've read each issue of The Best American Essays for the past ten years or so. Every year has had at least a few essays that wowed me, though almost every essay is a worthwhile read. The only way I know to review this year's BAE is to compare it to the other years. This year had three essays that wowed me (a slightly below average number), and one essay that I thought was unremarkable. All the remaining essays were worthwhile reads - interesting, well-written, and engaging.
Great gaming monitor. I use this for my PS4. Previously it was connected to my 50" television. My friend recommended trying a smaller monitor to improve gameplay. He was 100% correct. Note there are no speakers, so you will have to use external speakers or a headset for whatever devise you intend to use this for.