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  • Mary cole - Great Title

    I thoroughly enjoyed this book it kept you wandering what was going to happen next. It is about a man who is a lawyer, but a dishonest one. He has a grudge against this other lawyer. He plants evidence, has people to give false information, and has a man kill another man all in his attempt to distort this man.

  • little.mama - Finally something my son will drink!

    My son has been breast fed since day one. When it was time to change him to milk, he refused to drink it and would spit it out. I tried chocolate boost shakes and he didn't like those. So I thought I'd get him something more fruity because he loves juice. He was hesitant at first, but now drinks it up. I'm so glad, note I don't have to worry he isn't getting the right nutrition!

  • James E. Schimmoeller - product is great but I also ordered more ram for it since ...

    product is great but I also ordered more ram for it since it was running windows and 4gb is not enough

  • USAZbooks - Kaplan PSAT

    Bought the book 12 weeks prior to the 2012 PSAT in October, my son has completed all the tests including the diagnostic test. It's really rather good test prep, he has consistently between 202 and 217, so I feel the tests are consistent and a fair reflection to the 'real' CB PSAT.