Soluções e Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza Profissional - Distribuidores das melhores marcas de Produtos e Acessórios de Limpeza, Higiene Pessoal, Papel, Máquinas Industriais e todos os bens essenciais à higiene e bem estar de todos!

  • Produtos de Limpeza e Higien Profissional Lusohigin - Porque cada negócio, cada entidade, cada empresa ou instituição têm diferentes métodos de higienização resolvemos apostar numa gama abrangente de produtos de higiene e limpeza.
  • Soluções de Higiene para todas as actividades económicas - Lusohigin - A Higiene passou a ter um papel fundamental em todas as tarefas desenvolvidas pelo ser humano. Essas actividades, por serem distintas, requerem soluções específicas. Qual a solução certa para o seu negócio?
  • Diversey, TTS, JVD, Ghiblim Renova, Vileda - Lusohigin - Escolhemos os nossos parceiros de negócio e marcas, com a máxima exigência. Sabemos que, com as melhores marcas, estamos aptos para garantir, o melhor serviço e os melhores produtos na área da Higiene
  • Clientes Hospitais Públicos e Privados Centros de Saúde Clínicas Centros de Reabilitação Lusohigin - Misericórdias, Lares, Centros de Dia, Instituições de Apoio Domiciliário, Hoteis, Pousadas, Residênciais, Moteis, Spa,
  • Acrescentamos valor ao Seu Negócio - Lusohigin - Cozinhas, Lavandarias, Casas de Banho, Higiene Pessoal, Pavimentos, Superfícies, Transportes, Desinfeção, Proteção Pessoal…
  • Contactos Lusohigin Produtos de Higiene Industrial, Lda - LUSOHIGIN Produtos de Higiene Industrial, Lda - Rua António Maria da Costa, 379 - Zona Industrial da Maia Sector IV - 4470-460 MAIA T+351 229 435 630-F+351 229 435 639
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    Country:, Europe, PT

    City: -9.1394 , Portugal

  • Deborah Knapp - Does just what it is supposed to do.

    I was determined to get a handle on where our money was going, so I decided to purchase this software. It was amazingly easy to sync all our bank accounts for updates whenever I opened the program. Some of the categories came up a little funny (the software thinks it knows what category to put the expenditure into base on the name of the vendor/payee), but once I fixed the category once for an expenditure, it remembers where to put it in the future. I also added a cash account and manually add cash payments we make on a daily basis so we don't lose track of where those paper bills get spent and on what. The reports are great, and can be sorted by payee or category, It also compares current period spending on an average so you can see if your (gas, for example) expenditures are higher or lower that month than you normally spend. The only irritating thing is that it tries to get me to upgrade almost every time I open the software. This version is just fine for a normal family, so I don't see the need to upgrade to a version that does more. Maybe at some point, but not now.

  • Justin Rohr - Good stuff

    Worked great, i'd recommend at least 1 can per wheel, depending on size and amount of clear you add, it'll use all of them.

  • M. Havens - Let it be known! ONLY the most worthy, shall dawn the legendary Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt

    (DISCLAIMER) The epic journey I'm about to take you on will be that which no mere mortal can withstand. You see, one does not choose The Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt; it is The Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt that chooses you. The Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt does not bestow its magical and unprecedented powers to just anyone. One must earn the right. One can earn the right if and ONLY if: in your lifetime you have continually walked the righteous path that only the noblest of gentleman have taken; If your soul is purer than any diamond known to man; if you're willing to protect its mysterious and supernatural secrets; if you're willing to undertake the enormous responsibility one must endure with all its immense power; and if you're willing to pay the $15.99 plus shipping and handling.

  • Cranky - The Book Curmudgeon - A good yarn!

    This is a little gem of a book. I’d been in a reading funk. Three out of the four books I picked up in the first week of my holidays… didn’t do it for me. Legion Lost was the fourth and the charm. I basically read it from start to finish in one go and am looking forward to the sequel.

  • Sydney Brown - Shocked!! It actually works!!!!

    I had been wanting to try a lash grow product for a while so I had my Dr. write me a prescription for Latisse. I used it for a month (expensive!) and I did notice a difference. My lashes grew longer. Hoping to continue this process and look for a less expensive alternative, I came upon Idol Lash on the internet. The website and testimonials all seemed too good to be true so I held off on purchasing. After a while, I figured I may as well give it a try and purchased the serum from Amazon. I use it nightly but use one application per eye vs. one application for both eyes. I really do notice a difference! My lashes are longer and I even had to pluck one out because it was too long and looked funny next to my other curly lashes. I'm also using it on my eyebrows and hope that it helps fill in the sparse parts. Seriously give this product a chance! You won't know until you try. Another benefit is that the ingredients are mostly natural, which is always a plus when you're putting it on your face.