Knox County Hospital/FastHealth Corporation (Barbourville, Kentucky - Knox County) - FastHealth Corporation, Medical Internet Company. E-commerce, programming, medical search engine, online nurses, health portal, data applications, physician web sites, medical dictionary.

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  • Mark I. - Looked new

    The fob looked brand new. The dealership charged me $107 to program and cut the key. That is the part that is a rip-off, but not as big as a rip-off as a dealership charging $300 for a new one. Thus this lil baby only cost me 1/2 price. BTW, dealer said if key couldn't be programmed he was still going to charge me the $107! Glad it worked!

  • C. Smith - AMAZING!!! Makes your faded wrought iron fence look new again

    This product is AMAZING!! We have a wrought iron pool fence that was faded really bad. Used Rust-oleum and the pool Fence looks like i just painted it. I also used it on my bbq and made that look like New again. I highly recommend this product.

  • Rex Burton - If you LOVE to crank the long ball THIS is your BAT!

    Remarkable, swing to balance ratio. pre-swing inertia acceleration is advanced. Mid-swing rotation is very stable and confident. Post- swing delivery has a strong center line finish. This BAT is where it's at.