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  • Mark J. Wagner - Save yourself time and headaches and find a backup solution that actually works!

    Save yourself some time and find another backup solution. This product has several major flaws. First, if you have relatively new hardware its boot disk creation utility is very poor. You MAY be able to create a boot disk that works but you will have to manually find and add the right drivers. Other solutions, like Macrium Reflect automate the entire boot disk creation process. Second, it has no log viewer built in if you run into any issues with your backups. Third, there is no way to delete old or unwanted backup sets from within the program. Fourth, some of the features and functions simply don't work. Honestly I have no idea how/why this product gets any positive reviews.

  • Michelle - Good little Laptop

    For the price, this a good day to day laptop. I can play games on Facebook with no problems. The only thing that made me to give a 4 star instead of 5 is that the keyboard is not back-lit so until you type you don't know if your are typing with lower or upper cases. Other then that, I will give it a clean swipe ( came loaded with loads of crap), and will be good to go. Keyboard is easy on typing, since I type very fast, colors are good, again , for this price, don't expect a gaming computer, but for school, and everyday surfing, watching movies on Netflix or Amazon video, this is a good laptop !

  • Heidi Hatfield - Dissatisfied second time around

    I purchased this same dvd player about 3 yrs ago and have loved it. The tray that pops out to put the dvds in would no longer come out. Since we have had it for 3 yrs i figured it was time to replace it. When we hooked it up it has a factory setting limit of 50% max for the volume. So even though it is hooked up to the radio in the van, it cannot be turned up very loud. Not everyone can hear it. We did not have this problem with the last one. Also it keeps shutting off and on by itself. I am going to send it back and probably order a different one.


    The information in this book contains knowledge that most people are oblivious to, due to the way that we are deceived and deliberately misinformed on a daily basis with regards to our health. Frankenstein genetically modified and processed food, water from the tap and plastic bottles, prescription drugs, health supplements, so called health and beauty products, cleaning products, vaccines, toothpaste, shampoo, face creams and even the innocent looking bar of soap to name but a few (the list is endless), are full of nasties which harm us. This book is excellent on a number of levels. First of all it is concise and to the point, whilst being humorous in places and easy to read. The conversational style suits me perfectly as reading academic books as a mature student becomes somewhat tedious after a while. Don't get me wrong, it is very thorough and everything discussed is backed by science, it is just written in a way that effectively passes on the information. I feel like the author could be having a chat to me over a cup of tea, enlightening me, as a friend would do. So far I have not come across anything that I do not or cannot understand. I love the fact the supplements have all been checked for purity on my behalf and that the author has gone to the trouble to do this for the readers at his own cost. There is online access to a list for each supplement and its certificate to prove its quality, so if you wanted to purchase them, you know exactly which brand to buy and what the product contains and looks like - brilliant! Cheap affordable and effective supplements that most people can afford are being promoted and that can only be a good thing. The book is a wealth of information, some of which I already knew about but not in as much detail. I already had my eyes open to a few things that go on in this world regarding medicine and health and I have had my eyes open even more by reading this. EVERYONE should have a copy of this book at home!! It is essential and a total must have item. Do not hesitate. Buy it and reap the benefits it has to offer. Learn about what really goes into what you are exposed to day to day. To Mr Ellison, the writing of this book is such an act of good. Books like yours exist purely to help other people prolong there lives and be as healthy and therefore as happy as they can be. It is an example of truth versus a vast worldwide deception designed to harm us and our families. God has definitely blessed you for being so giving in taking the trouble to share your knowledge in this way. Thank you so much.


    I used to give this to my son until I figured out that not only does this have so many things I cant even pronounce it has CARRAGEENAN which is a carcinogen and corn maltodextrin which is similar to corn syrup. Since I am not about to take everything I dont understand from item ingredients these are the 2 I look for and try to go for the least additives possible.