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  • BeYouTful - The BEST!

    This stuff works!! Plain and simple! Really cleans the floor and takes out the smell of my little yorkie's strong smelling pee. Also, my granddaughter decided to take colored play dough and rub into my white carpet. I was living in a rental so that made it worse for me. (I like keeping things nice so I get my deposit back! And it's not my house to destroy.) I tried a couple of strong cleaners I had and those bright colors of the play dough just wouldn't come out. My daughter, who is the mom to the granddaughter that did this, wanted to see if this would work. She came back with her bottle of Kids and Pets and WOW, it took it out immediately without a stain. As soon as you poured it on the stain was gone!! I was so impressed I have had it around my house ever since and used it on all kinds of things. But now that I have a dog, I am so glad I have it!! I ran out and tried something else and all it did was cover up the smell with a perfume in it and the smell came back. So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product!!!

  • Lisa Murry - Pretty sure I'll never make it out of my house ...

    My daughter saw one of these in a horror movie and wanted to try it. What could go wrong? I did a little reading and sent her a link with some important dos and don'ts. Not that I really believe in talking to the dead via a checkerboard, but I thought we should follow some guidelines just in case. She promised me she read the article. She is 15, so I probably shouldn't trust her to read anything not on social media. The first thing she did was to put the planchette on the board and say, "'Sup bitches?!?" Then she left the board unattended, dropped the planchette on the floor, and basically did all the other things listed in the "don't" section of the rules. She is now levitating and speaking in tongues. Pretty sure I'll never make it out of my house alive, or at least sane. Buy at your own risk, especially if you have a 15 year old daughter.

  • judy - ok...not great

    It is exactly the same as the little eye packets they sell. It works for a few minutes and always leaves white matter how little you use. Not worth the money

  • Michael Pellegrino - Great Product and Price

    Hundreds less than the dealer wanted, easy to install, especially with two people. Only complaint is you need to check which way to face them as if you do it wrong you have to switch them as the caps won't fit.

  • Decano - If you install this you better darn well love it.

    If you install this you better darn well love it -- you will never be able to get rid of it unless you format your hard drive and reinstall everything from scratch.

  • Erika Otthofer - Do not buy unless you want skin like a snake!

    Awful awful product! I thought this product would be extremely helpful for getting rid of my acne due to the high amount of salicylic acid; however the result was the complete opposite. Yes, it did get rid of my acne, my acne was gone in a matter of three days; however, with every application of the product, my face would tingle and burn so much and my skin would be so irritated and red. After three days of using this system, my face was so red and raw to the point where my skin began to peel off like I was a snake! It was like this system gave me an awful sunburn that I never asked for. Oh and I can't forget to mention, the products smelled so strong, the scents of each one were nauseating. I would not recommend this product, but kudos to you if this helped your acne disappear! Such a miss with buying this product.