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EOHU - Eastern Ontario Health Unit - Your health... our priority! - The Eastern Ontario Health Unit promotes and protects the health and wellness of our community by preventing diseases and injuries, and by advocating for a safe and healthy environment through strategic partnerships.

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  • Babargreen - This stuff is expensive . . . . .

    I am still using this product. I've had it about two weeks. I'm trying to use more natural products for hair and skin care. What I've noticed is that my hair is fuller as it's not "slicked down" with product that unbeknownst to me was sticking to my hair. Never realized it. My hair feels clean and soft, but a different kind of soft.When I shampoo with it now my hair sometimes "squeaks" -- now that's clean.

  • pato - Good reading.

    Enjoyed this book. A lot of history,to be learned. A very sad time in the building of our country. These people made it possible to live the life we have now.

  • Dieand Reed - Love it

    I gave it to grand-daughter to help learn Powerpoint. I also recommend it to her teacher as a reference guide for her class and add as part of their material needed.