Effervesciences, magazine scientifique alternatif - Les tenants d'une science codifiée et dispensée par ceux qui possèdent le savoir, les limites sont celles de la connaissance... Effervesciences, magazine scientifique, vous l'explique et vous indique comment réussir votre jeüne avec le raisin sec

  • http://www.effervesciences.com/sommaire.html Articles Effervesciences - sommaire des articles publiés sur Effervesciences, revue scientifique non conformiste
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/qui-sommes-nous.html Qui sommes nous, Editions Middinova - Nous sommes une sarl de presse, Midinnova, spécialisée depuis 31 ans, sur les associations, les guides régionaux, et la création d'entreprise. Elle édite et diffuse en kiosque et sur internet
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/jeune-votre-jeune-de-36-heures-avec-raisinsec.html Votre petit jeûne de 36 heures - jeûne, jeûne en 36 heures, nutriments, glycogène des muscles, glycogène des muscles, cure détox, raisin yin, raisin yang, organisation du jeûne
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/abonnement-effervesciences.html Abonnement version papier pour la revue Effervesciences - Effervesciences, la revue scientifique non conformiste. Vous aimez les articles de ce site ? Abonnez-vous à la version papier
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/h2o-et-energie-l-eau-berceau-de-la-vie.html l'eau berceau de la vie, support de nos cellules - L’eau de notre corps, il faut savoir la choisir, la consommer utilement, et la protéger dans un environnement qui se dégrade chaque jour davantage.
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/h2o-et-energie-medecine-de-la-lumiere.html Les médecines de la lumière - l'importance des fréquences lumineuses sur notre environnement et notre santé nous est apparue que récemment. La médecine en est révolutionnée.
  • http://www.effervesciences.com/liens.html Liens d'effervesciences - Cette page présente des liens utiles relatifs aux articles du site effervesciences, mais aussi, vers d'autres sites pouvant vous intéresser

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  • thereviewdoctor - Perfect rechargeable solution to the xbox one

    I was tired of using my double A batteries and throwing them away from my controller I wanted a reusable solution. I came across these and I was a little skeptical but thought I would give them a try. There is no user manual at all. But there is only two steps you put this in your controller and then you charge it with a mini usb cable that you use to charge your phone. I get about 10 hours or so of game play out of one charge while not that much when you figure I was getting like 40 or so with my batteries but the charging is very quick I use a Quick Charge 3.0 outlet and it was ready to go in under an hour.

  • danielle - I drank half my body in water and wore my wrap for 2 hours and saw a difference it wasnt a big difference but it was better than

    It really does work! I drank half my body in water and wore my wrap for 2 hours and saw a difference it wasnt a big difference but it was better than nothing. Definitely going to get another one. But the wrap does continue to work up to 3 days

  • Mary - Easy to use comb

    I have been using my Laser Comb for about 9 weeks. I belive it is doing the job it was bought for. Hair seems to be hardly falling out at all.

  • Bill Stuart - What about men?

    When will men be getting a bic pen of their own? All we have is this wussy see-through bic. I want, no NEED, a bic wrapped in barbed wire to satisfy my manly needs. It should also write in beer instead of ink. And it should be usb compatible.

  • Richard E. Groot - Stubby Antenna functionality versus OEM antenna

    I purchased this item with some hesitation, given some folks' comments about poor reception. I wanted to replace my longer "whip" antenna for the look of the Stubby, and to minimize the risk of the antenna hitting overhead obstacles because we often park in commercial underground garages with low ceilings / sprinkler system water pipes ...