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    Country:, Europe, PL

    City: 21.0362 , Poland

  • Terrence D Moravec - Too big

    Asolutely worthless for watching midget porn. They all look normal size. And the remote control by hand gesture feature has some serious drawbacks...

  • Rebecca Bennett - What a wild ride!!!

    OMG!! This book!!! Such a huge switch from her other books but don't get me wrong, she NAILED it with this one!!

  • Feelgood - Shuffle ... it rocks!!!!

    I recently entered this book into my iPod ... it was a great idea since I made a trip from Argentina to China. I used the shuffle option and it was like heaven!! I did not feel the trip at all ... I recommend that you do the same. Shuffle rocks!!!

  • Tabitha - Best

    I love this so much I now have two. I saw this a while back and being a professional dog groomer I definitely keep a watch out for things like this. It is absolutely one of the best designs I have seen. It does catch the hair even short dog hairs. I have 5 dogs of my own at home and the drain in the tub was really being over worked. It was only a matter of time before we got a back up. I got this and now I have no worries. After we are done bathing we simply spray all the excess hair off the shower walls and into the drain and it all gets caught up in this. It is also really easy to just pop this out grab a tissue and pull off all the unwanted hair.

  • Allen - Perfect Wireless Mouse Except the Ambidextrous Qualities

    One of the better purchases. I use the G502 at work and this mouse feels just like it. Feels extremely good in the hands. I do prefer the thumb rest on the bottom with the G502, which this one lacks. While I never really use that rest, having that tension there would be nice. Otherwise, this mouse is perfect. There's no lag and very low latency. Feels just like a wired mouse. The matte feel, just like on the G502, feels incredibly good on the hand and the response times of this mouse is top notch.

  • Gail Grauer - very pleased!!

    I am almost at the end of "high dose radiation brachytherapy" treatment for basal cell carcinoma on my nose. As expected after the 4th of a total of 10 treatments my nose started to get red and yesterday was my 8th treatment and my nose is very red !! About two weeks ago, I saw an infomercial about this product and came here to read reviews, an overwhelming amount of positive reviews. I also saw that I could purchase this product "Bye, Bye Redness" at Ulta... I went right out and bought it and am really very, very pleased !!! It covers all the redness of my radiation treatment. After I clean my face I lightly put a small dab of "Aquaphor" on my nose ( not using regular moistuerizer as yet on my nose) I then use my finger to apply a "small, small" amount of "Bye, Bye Redness" over that area and even my cheeks and blend.. it comes in only one shade but blends and matches perfectly.. In addition, I took the product to my radiation oncologist and she approved !! Love, love , love this product!!!

  • jaelittel - best one

    has to go to nissan dealership to get it activated and set, but other then that no problems. thumbs up!!!!