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  • Guy P - The Best Biltong in the USA

    I have purchased Brooklyn Biltong a few times already and have ALWAYS been more than pleased with the result. I grew up in South Africa so I know what real biltong tastes like, so believe me when I say that Brooklyn Biltong is the real deal. Ben and Em have done a fantastic job introducing the USA to homegrown biltong, just like the kind you could get from the oom at the Butcher shop! I am glad that Amazon is carrying this product as now I can always add an order to my shopping cart every time I am on Amazon. Keep up the good work. Now if only you made a spicy version!

  • MauiMom - It worked for me!

    Ordered this tea tree oil for nail fungus. Although it did not work for some, it worked well for me. I did file the top of the nail somewhat and used this more than twice a day but am pleased with the results. Think I can wear sandals again next summer!