A World to Win - For a new democratic economic & political system founded on co-operation, self-management, co-ownership and control in place of globalised capital and profit.

  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/about.html A World to Win | For a future without global capitalism - A World to Win aims to inspire and give leadership to the movement against the consequences of global capitalism: growing inequality, poverty and starvation, ecological meltdown, war and authoritarian rule.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/about/publications.html#free A World to Win | About | Publications by Lupus Books - Lupus Books and A World to Win: We are a small publisher and distributor of revolutionary and philosophical books.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/blog/choose-Project-Real-Democracy-over-Project-Fear.html Choose Project Real Democracy over Project Fear - The way in which Project Fear has saturated both sides of the official European Union referendum campaigns is reason enough to reject them and replace Westminster’s discredited political system with Project Real Democracy.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/reviews/SeedsOfBullets.html Seeds of Bullets - Review of Seeds of Bullets: A psychological study of war poems by Wilfred Owen and Adnan al-Sayegh
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/reviews/the-untold-story-of-the-Cuban-revolution.html A Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrillas’ Victory - For many, the Cuban Revolution remains a bit of a mystery. How could 80 guerillas led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra seize power? How were a small band of revolutionaries able to land on a deserted beach, re-group in the mountains and eventually march on Havana.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/transition/Masons-starry-eyed-guide-to-the-future.html Mason’s starry-eyed guide to the future - Journalist Paul Mason says it’s time to “explain why replacing capitalism is no longer a Utopian dream, how the basic forms of a postcapitalist economy can be found within the current system, and how they could be expanded rapidly”.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/transition/helloLenin.html Hello Lenin! - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin remains one of the most controversial figures of C20th history. In this outstanding intellectual biography, Hungarian historian and socialist Tamás Krausz sets out to rescue Lenin from his detractors.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/transition/a-new-post-capitalist-commons.html How to fight the new enclosure of the commons - As the Scottish government contemplates a very modest land reform initiative, private landowners are shrieking with pain and quoting 19th century mantras about how land is safer in private hands, where “enlightened self interest” will ensure good management.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/transition/trade-unions-at-the-crossroads.html Trade unions at the crossroads as Tories shackle their rights - New Tory laws against the trade unions, pushed rapidly through Parliament by the Tory government, are a barely disguised attempt to destroy them as effective organisations. Behind the onslaught is the state’s determination to blunt any force that could challenge the government’s reactionary big business policies.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/blog/wanted-a-Magna-Carta-for-the-21st-century.html Wanted: A Magna Carta for the 21st century - The attacks on the rule of law and access to justice – two key principles of the Magna Carta – by successive governments should lead us to rethink the existing relationship between the state and citizens and then to reimagine democracy.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/frontline/lift-ban-on-Communist-Party-of-Ukraine.html Lift the ban on the Communist Party of Ukraine! But Oppose Neo-Stalinism! - We oppose the ban on the CPU not out of support for its reactionary, nationalist politics but in the interests of freedom and democracy in Ukraine itself. We share the concerns of human rights organisations that have strongly criticised both the judgement and the law upon which it was based.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/frontline/Baghdad-rising-like-a-phoenix-from-the-ashes.html Baghdad rising like a phoenix from the ashes - Sura Hussein Mohammed Ali explains why she chose an unusual subject for her thesis – and what it’s like for a woman to live in today’s Baghdad. Corinna Lotz reports.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/reviews/FrancesAvivaBlane4.html All or nothing - The sombre blacks and greys of NOTHING’s cover give away nothing. But even a health warning might not be sufficient to prepare you for the terrible beauty that is born in the cosmic explosions that are Frances Aviva Blane’s paintings. Review by Corinna Lotz.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/resources/global-economic-crisis-video.html The global economic crisis - Videos by Gerry Gold that explain the economic crisis and the possibilities of a transition beyond capitalism.
  • http://www.aworldtowin.net/about/UnfinishedBusiness.html A World to Win | About | Unfinished Business: The miners' strike for jobs 1984-5 - Unfinished Business: The miners' strike for jobs 1984-5 - unique photos of the miners' strike by Peter Arkell & Ray Rising

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