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  • Tina - Works great and not too smelly

    I didn't purchase this cream for cellulite removal, because there's not enough in this tub for all of my cellulite and I gave up on trying to do anything about it years ago. I bought this for muscle aches, which I have in my calves, thighs and upper arms.

  • Eric Wade - Peel-N-Seal works - BUT!!!

    I have used this product for years and it works great -- BUT -- you must clean then prime the areas that are going to receive this product first with an asphalt primer - this comes in a spray can or 5 gallon pail -- light coat only - let it dry - then and only then put Peel-n-seal on. If you do not clean and prime the surface first I guarantee it will let go with-in 2 months - do it properly and it will last for years.

  • Steve Cataldo - Great product, great price, intriguing name

    This is going to be similar review to the Green Coffee Bean Extract review, as I've been using those pills in combination with the Garcinia Cambogia for the last few weeks. Combined they have not only helped me to curb my appetite, but I have also helped me to lose about 15-20 pounds of weight with proper diet and daily walking. The dosage on the Cambogia is a little bit larger, at 3 pills prior to each meal, but they were very effective. I used to keep eating and eating until the plate was empty, or the pizza was gone. Once I started taking the full dosage of Cambogia, after a small meal I would feel full. I didn't want to keep eating. And even when I went all out, and got a pizza, I could barely finish it without feeling stuffed.

  • Diane Parker - What a WASTE!!

    I've used Printmaster Platinum in the workplace for years; I purchased Printmaster Platinum 18 for home use. Never a problem. LOVED the many ways I could design cards, letterhead, business cards, labels...THEN, I decided to update to the Printmaster 2012 version. It SUCKS like a HOOVER!!! Slow as molasses in winter. Takes two hours...on a good create a card. I've never been SO disappointed over ANY product I've purchased. SHAME on you Broderbund. Stop sending me your come-ons!! Worthless!

  • Daniel Dacruz - Great Buy!!

    Its been several years since I started to play volleyball and this ball has been on my "to get" list for quite a while.....Mikasa is def a synonym of quality and satisfaction....product arrived impeccable...and on the estimated date. Iim very glad with my purchase!!