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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Alejandra I Navarro - On my top ten list

    Love this series - characters are addicting and storyline always entertains. WH Macy is so shameless!

  • Dana - It works

    I bought this on a whim and it works like a charm. I put on my nail color, waited a minute like the directions said then put the Kwik Dry on then not even a minute passed I touched my nails and they were dry, I was shocked. So I tested it further by rubbing the mineral oil into my cuticles and no polish on my fingers, no smudging, or marks at all. I don't have a lot of faith in products labeled 'quick dry', but this has truly impressed me, it actually works like promised.

  • MANNY3 - Good Replacement

    More compact than the factory antenna. Reception is as good as with the factory unit. Manufacture and finish are very good.

  • MommaBaker - Informative Book.

    We bought this for my dear mother-in-law. She loves to look up detailed information about movies she has seen but isn't one for the computer (which is why we purchased it from Amazon for her). Very nice book, came on a cardboard sheet well wrapped in plastic, so even though it was a soft-cover book, it was well protected and came in perfect shape.