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Society of General Internal Medicine | SGIM - Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), an American medical society of physicians, focuses on clinical research & studies to improve internal medicine.

  • About SGIM | - The Society of General Internal Medicine, was founded in 1978, by a national group of academic general internists committed to promoting research and education, aimed at improving healthcare for the whole patient, The organization has grown to nearly 3,000 members, over three decades
  • GIM Communities | - Additionally, our community acts as the research and clinical practice hub in internal medicine including preventative measures and treatment services for patients, Simply put SGIM has been the home for academic internal medicine providers interested in research, education and clinical practice for over three decades
  • SGIM Meetings | - Annual meetings, Regional Meetings, Future Meetings, Past Meetings, Continuing Medical Education Opportunities
  • SGIM Publications | - SGIM has a variety of publications that act as vehicles for dialogue and interaction among members and the scientific community at large
  • SGIM Career Center | - SGIM is dedicated to providing professional development opportunities for its members, regardless of their current career level
  • SGIM Membership | - Since the organization’s inception in 1978 as the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine,SGIM has strived to advance and promote the field of academic general internal medicine
  • ACLGIM Home | - Approximately ten years ago a group of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine met at the National SGIM Meeting to discuss significant mutual needs and interests,During this exploratory meeting it became clear that the Division Chief and leaders have complex roles,Many have risen to their positions without any specific training or peer group from whom to learn

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    After reading the reviews on this site, I was a bit wary about ordering it. But he price was too good, so I did.I'm glad I did. A previous review said the backup camera did not work automatically. Mine works perfect as soon as I shift into reverse. All of the features, except internet and TV work, and those appear to be an antenna issue. The only hold back from giving it 5 starts is the interface is cludegy and non-intuitive. Once you figure out all the features, though, its perfect. I had it installed at Best Buy since I did not have time to do it myself, and I'm glad I did. My biggest regret in is lack of an support forum and online manual. I do agree with the one reviewer that someone took the original text and ran it through google translator.

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