Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic  About the VBA Clinic - About the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic - The Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic provides no-cost episodic medical services and prescription medication to the uninsured and underserved of Charlotte County, Florida.

Country:, North America, US

City: -96.6645 Texas, United States

  • Dela - Nice Sizes, and Pump.... but Does Not Maintain Seal.

    I was really excited to try these bags. I am in the middle of a big household organization project, and have a lot of clothes, bedding etc... that I wanted to store into smaller space with the use of these bags. I really liked that this was a large assortment of bags offered in different sizes ( so you can store everything from comforters, to intimates... and even use for travel), but I especially was attracted to the fact that it comes with its own vacuum pump. I do not like using a dirty vacuum house on bags containing clothes.

  • bau2015 - Good Guide

    I ordered this for a friend. He loved this guide and said it was very helpful and insightful. Helped a lot. Order and received quickly thanks to Amazon Prime.