Chronic Pain and Spine Specialists | Sydney Spine & Pain - Sydney Spine & Pain is a multi-specialist centre led by Dr James Yu, focusing on pain management and the treatment of spinal conditions.

  • Contact our pain specilists | Sydney Spine & Pain - To contact our pain specialists or make a booking please call (02) 9580 3380 or make an enquiry or booking via our online booking form.

    Country:, Oceania, AU

    City: 143.2104 , Australia

  • Meckintosh - Not good, so far..

    I had the head gaskets on a Subaru Forester 2002 replaced a long time ago, about 25,000 miles, and they developed an exhaust leak into the coolant again. It was a very slow leak.

  • Mrs. B - A little disaapointed with this product

    I was hoping that I love this but it just OK. It makes my hair very hard and crunchy. I use it as directions says, I have used it both wet and dry hair and although it define my curls. Motions is a great line and I will continue to buy Motions products, but I will be not getting this again. I still have well over an entire jar of this.

  • Donna Hawkins - It's not quite Deluxe

    This family tree maker is ok. . I had already printed several pages for a notebook I had statred years ago, but that program is no longer available. So I got this new Family Tree Maker, when I wanted to print a page it doesn't give you any options. They do give you the option to order a book thru them, it might give you options then.

  • Angela Johnson - It's Okay, but Customer Service sucks

    We bought this TV 2 years ago for my son. This TV was for his bedroom, we went away for Christmas so we unplugged everything, when we got home he tried to plug his TV in and the ac adapter that the TV uses died. For over a month now we have been looking for a replacement plug, which no one sells, Polaroid states that there is a 60 day backorder for the ac adapter. Plus it is $70 with shipping. Also when I called customer service all they would say is that it is out of warrenty I can ship it back to them for them to fix or fix it on my own.

  • Elizabeth O'Neal - Informative and free!

    Well-written and informative. There were actually a few concepts outlined in the book that I didn't know about. Can't beat it for the price, which was FREE. LOL