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  • L C. - SINUS and DEPRESSION...relates to your LIVER?!?!

    I'm in my early 20s and was diagnosed with liver disease. My personal symptoms are: abdominal pain, tired all the time, easily irritated, SEVERE DEPRESSION, and borderline hepatic encephalopathy. Many other symptoms, but too lazy to type! lol

  • Bill - I love this thing!

    I fell for the advertising and bought the cooktops (2). They work well with my Allclad cookware. That was over a year ago. I literally use these every day, now. I haven't used my kitchen stove in a year! (well, I still use the oven.) The ONLY downside to these is the size of the hearing coil inside. It's about 6" in diameter (at least the PIC and the PIC 2 are 6") so larger pots don't heat as evenly and it takes a long time to boil a large pot of water. I don't know if the coils in the latest versions are larger. But they work flawlessly. And when it comes to deep frying they're great. The really do keep the oil temp steady.

  • Jennifer M. Roberts - This puts Sephora to shame!

    I went to school at the Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics so I am very knowledgeable on skin products. Sea salt is gold for oily skin, and this product definitely pulls up excess oils that have been clogging your pores (even ones you didn't realize were clogged in the first place). I am super impressed. I use it once a week and I 100% recommend this product. It's better then a lot of products I have spent at Sephora and the price is unbeatable!

  • Elden A. - I stopped using it after doing good for 2 weeks but I can see it helped ...

    I stopped using it after doing good for 2 weeks but I can see it helped with my stretch marks and redness on my skin.