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  • Clayton Lamphear - Great read

    What a great book from a sassy, smart woman. Couldn't put it down. Everyone should read, and the binge watch rehab addict.

  • gavin whims - The only problem is the tracks on the dozer keep coming off but HESS makes excellent toys. Sirens are loud as well as the ...

    My 3rd plays with this all the time . The only problem is the tracks on the dozer keep coming off but HESS makes excellent toys. Sirens are loud as well as the bright lights .

  • agnese kohn - I wanna a Liam!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tempted is the title,Oh,i did got Tempted with a bad boy nest door and wish my next door boy was like him in this tale but lets be real my ain't nothing like Liam so i enjoyed/loved read this book until the last page where i sights after the last word wanted more...I did mention the character name on my first sentence and now i present you Elizabeth where both will have a hate/love journey....i want to say before i go and express more of my feeling for Tempted that both author team up very good on releasing A bad Boy Next Door Romance,they mixed up a way good storyline with plot,action,desire,secrets,truth to be said,steamy scene,the dedication to fight for,and i can go on and on but i already say much so its you reader who now need to read it dive into it like i did until i took a good breathing (sights) at the end due to the outcome...because now i can't wait to read more of both authors and see what they come up with next installment...So i did not spoil it much for you reader like this you will have to discover yourself the how,the what,the who and the end of that by getting this book cause i do suggest to do it now and be captivated as i was.....Good reading readers and Well done to both of you authors....