Complementary/Alternative Therapies from a patient perspective - Provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their friends and family who are interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Country:, North America, US

City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States

  • JuliaDarcyPMP - manufacturing sucks, but the shine is right on target

    There's something wrong with the manufacturing of this product. I bought one at wa lmart which had a broken primer bottle (broken on the bottom, a little hole in the glass). Then I ordered this one, thinking it would be better, but the same exact thing happened....broken primer bottle with a hole in the glass. The other two glass bottles (polish and top coat) are intact. The gel cleanser is just fine in its plastic bottle.

  • Dexter Thomas - Microsofts worst ever

    Do not buy you will not be able to open other archived projects. This is a compleat rewrite. You will have to learn publisher all over and none of your pervious tasks will open. I have been unable to make a satisfactory Birthday card yet after three weeks.