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  • George Tozer - my lower back would begin to be painful, along with leg pain

    I had endured intermittent bouts of sciatica that left me completely bed ridden for a few days, until it subsided. I always knew when it was coming as about 4 or 5 days prior, my lower back would begin to be painful, along with leg pain. It would get worse and worse, until it hit the tipping point. My last bout dropped me to the floor in a fetal position for about a half hour, before the pain reduced enough to crawl into bed.

  • Amazon Luvr - USEFULL!!!

    I didn't want to buy a Ninja - in my mind it was late nite tv hype product and I just couldn't wrap my mind/embrace the trailer park marketing. But wifey fell in love with Nutri Bullet and I didn't want to buy a limited single purpose smoothie maker with bad reviews for blade breakage (Consumer Reports).... so i decided to take a leap of faith and try this Ninja Kitchen System....I have been converted. My Bosch Concept system will see much less use (makes me sad to say) as this takes up much less counter space and will therefore stay out and available for use. Already sold my Waring pro blender on Craigslist. Have used this for smoothies, sauces, food prep and it excels at all. Plenty of power. Easy cleanup. Versatile. It won't replace my Kitchenaid mixer for dough, there are some limits to my conversion. Highly recommended.

  • hangten - Good for home. Bad for Planes

    I have had the clek fllo for a month now and overall, I do love it as a car seat. The Fllo fixed majority of the "issues" that people had with the Foonf. I had the Foonf, and had to return it because it wouldn't fit in any of my vehicles (Prius, 4runner and Accord) and for several other reasons/issues that are well known about the Foonfs.

  • LA_Sinatra - Made my sensitive skin break out - agitates Rosacea

    Purchased this on advise of a friend, who said her dermatologist suggested she save money on expensive face creams and get cerave instead. So I gave it a try as it costs 1/10 what my normal creams do. Well, just as I expected, you get what you pay for. My face broke out all over my cheeks, forehead and chin within about 3 days of using this. My skin also burned. I switched off all creams except bare bones clinique dramtically different lotion for about 3 days to give my skin time to calm down and return to normal. CeraVe may be working for some people but not for me.

  • Federation Trading Post - Raymond Stanz?

    I was going to get this book, but I looked at the closeups of the front cover and I just can't buy a book that has Stantz spelled wrong on the front cover. Aside from the other horrible reviews and the fact that the good reviews are from the people quoted on the back cover. Guess I'll keep working on my own Tobin's Spirit Guide for the time being.

  • Catwmn17 - Sporty looking Challenger!!

    Looks really sporty on my 2013 Challenger!! I put on the gas petal cover with ease, however my husband really struggled putting on the brake cover even after soaking it in boiling hot water, and he is a strong construction guy. Just make sure you take off the existing brake pedal cover before you install this metal cover.