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  • Averagejoe - It really works!!!

    I was skeptical about this. My Brother told me about a similar product. Not sure it is the same. You just spray it on and leave it. Sounds too good to be true. I have some real heavy duty Green Mold on the north side of my house. I spayed it on yesterday and it did not seem to work at first but then it turned all the green stuff into a lite tan color. Now I guess when it rains the residue will wash away. I have to say that I am impressed. The stuff I used last year turned black and looked terrible. This stuff looks great.

  • EverydayReviews - Broke within 4 months

    Let me start by saying this, the product it self works good. It does what it suppose to do and all that. Does have a auto turn off feature which is nice, and does feel a decent size room depending how much oil you put in.