Deaf Chick Watches TV - I've seen a lot of photo-capping blogs, but never one that is told through the eye of a deaf/Deaf/HoH viewer who relies on the closed captions to follow along. Oftentimes, not possessing the ability...

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  • J. Howlett - A hip and fun guide to the physical workings of the internet in NYC.

    This is a groovy little book. I work in NYC and often wondered what all those spray painted markings on the street like urban hieroglyphics meant - Now thanks to this book, I have some idea. This book makes the internet, its related technology and the networks it uses more grounded in reality by showing and talking about the physical aspects that link the two. Part history, part tech lesson and easily accessible and entertaining.

  • Cliff Hays - Very Powerful Email Program

    While Outlook 2010 may be a little daunting to a casual user due to its complexity, for business or power users it is this complexity which makes it so powerful. The amount of customization possible in this program (email processing rules, color/font themes, quick access toolbar, etc.) is amazing. For more control over your account I would recommend manual configuration to POP3 rather than allowing the auto-IMAP config.

  • Teacher Dad - made my 3 year old cry

    My girls didn't like the orange vanilla sent. When the soap came into contact with my 3 year old's privates she burst into tears and said it stung. Disappointed because I love the way the pump foams up the soap. This might be a good product for adults or as a hand soap.