New HOPE Clinic - H.O.P.E. Spay/Neuter Clinic Inc. is dedicated to ending the tragedy of overpopulation in Dogs and Cats by offering affordable spay/neuter services.

Country:, North America, US

City: -82.3799 Florida, United States

  • Elizabeth Dobrohotoff - It's been a great surprise because it really works.

    I've wanted to try this product ever since it first came out. I knew I would find it on Amazon. It's been a great surprise because it really works. And the price is the best of course, right here on Amazon.

  • Julie E. Fredrick - a dud

    I bought this product for myself for Christmas. When removing it with a cotton square, no dear skin or dirt was removed. Then I felt my face, and all of my peachfuzz was twisted in tiny little knots. I couldn't get them off with a buf-puf or scrub, so I hope they will go away on their own. NOT recommended if you have ANY fuzz on your face.

  • brenda piper - Made my Yorkie sick.

    Wasted money. My Yorkie wore for about 3-4 days and began shaking as if she was cold and next day began to throw up even though she had not ate and I finally thought about what was different with her and realized the collar and I removed and gave her a bath and then gave her some karo syrup to give her some sugar and within 3-4 hrs I noticed she began to pick at her food by next day she was running around and doing fine. The collar said it was for 5-17 lb dogs so if it had enough strength for a 17 pound dog it was too much for a 5 pound dog. Threw away good money, hope it helps you.