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  • Theresa K Becker - No longer contains a comprehensive list of common medications

    This is my first book review on Amazon, as I believe, as some clinicians will also believe, that this is a comprehensive list of medications and therapeutics; it is not.

  • Nina - It love the face

    I bought this stuff from a online hair store at first but it got lost so now I'm buying it from amazon. It removed bumps I had on my face within a few days. The one I bought from the hair store came with a bar of tea tree soap. That soap works good on the face too. I guess it's what a face needs.

  • A. Quinn - Beautiful as Usual

    The sparkle never dims on any of my Swarovski Christmas ornaments! They are so lovely, that some of my friends who own annual Christmas pieces, hang them in their kitchen window all year long! I just might start doing the same! Great investment as well.

  • P A Haspel - Not 100 %

    This oil is fragrant and not 100% argan oil. I wanted something purely argan oil not one with additives. The fragrance is very strong and not appealing. I was disappointed because this product was not inexpensive so I am out $ 25+. I would not order anything from this vendor again