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  • Karen Barber - AWESOME SOFTWARE!

    I used different levels of another brand of software for YEARS... was a bit skeptical about ordering this product, but I am so glad I did! This is the best design software! I love the 3D views! It is so simple and easy to use! So glad I made the switch!

  • Marc Anthony Barrett - I get the same reception from the stubby antenna that I was getting with the factory antenna and it looks great. I'd recommend t

    I unscrewed my factory antenna and the Bullet Style Stubby Antenna from Craven Speed screwed right on in its place. It took less than five minutes. I get the same reception from the stubby antenna that I was getting with the factory antenna and it looks great. I'd recommend this product.

  • kenneth r laenger - A coffee a Gerd Sufferer can enjoy!

    This coffee tastes divine! It does not acidify the body, therefore, does not cause heartburn. It actually alkalines the body. It gives energy without the nervousness of other coffees. The mushroom in it cleanses the body and the energy is lasting versus that quick caffeine buzz. I first purchased it at a wellness center and found it to be much less on Amazon. It's instant, so you can take it anywhere there is hot water. Put a few packets in a coffee cup, and it's perfect for gift giving. I will never go back to four bucks, I mean Starbucks again. I can drink this black and I'm a cream and sugar lover!

  • John J. Garrison, Jr. - A Must Have App

    This is the most wonderful app I have downloaded. With my headhones, I can watch Netflix from the comfort of my bed without disturbing my wife. I even propper it along side the tub one night while I gave my kids a bath. They thought it was awesome. It can be used everywhere. You have to have this!

  • Bumblebug - Much cheaper to buy the smaller bottles...

    It's actually much cheaper to buy the smaller 1/4 gallon bottles as an "add on" item. I feel like an idiot for assuming the gallon would be cheaper, even though this is usually the case. I should have done my research. Could have saved a little $$$...