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Ferguson Animal Hospital, 316 7th Street Bristol, TN 37620 - Ferguson Animal Hospital is a full-service veterinary medical facility, located in Bristol, TN. The professional and courteous staff at Ferguson Animal Hospital seeks to provide the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients.

  • Ferguson Animal Hospital, Services - From pet grooming, kennels & regular check ups to surgery the doctors and staff at Ferguson Animal Hospital will be happy to help. Here are some of he veterinary, grooming and kennel services offered at Ferguson Animal Hospital.
  • Ferguson Animal Hospital, Our Staff - We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients. Ferguson Animal Hospital strives to offer excellence in veterinary care to Bristol and surrounding areas.
  • Ferguson Animal Hospital, Contact Us - Email, Call or Stop in today. We will be happy to help you and your pet with their veterinary needs. We can be reached Monday through Friday from 7:30AM-6:00PM and on Saturdays from: 8:00AM - Noon. Ferguson Animal Hospital636 Anderson StreetBristol, TN 37620Phone: (423) 764-8335Fax: (423) 764-9884email: [email protected]
  • Care Guide - Need information on a specific pet related malady or quirk, find it here in the care guides area.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Reflection Haiku - Bring Aesop Home

    This dazzling Classic Edition of AESOP'S FABLE has my initial concern that the advanced choice of compound words may be too difficult for my young children - but it quickly evaporated as they, intrigued by Aesop's unique fable power, struggled to pronounce them, asked about their meanings and moved on to figure out what had happened and what did the moral say. Through the process, the reservoir of their vocabularies is expanding and these memorable lessons imprint in their minds. The Frog and the Ox. The Wind and the Sun. The Fox and the Grapes. 53 Aesop's best fables were accompanied with magnificently artworks done by distinguished illustrators such as Charles Bennett, Milo Winter and Percy Billinghurst. Bring Aesop home and the kids will be naturally attracted to read about those silly (or wise) animals that act just like real human beings.

  • fitnessgal79 - Great, reliable treadmill for walking and light running

    I purchased this treadmill in March 2013 and received it 3 days later WITHOUT disappointment. Prompt delivery and service! I'm not sure why the negative reviews. I have been looking for a treadmill for 6 months. It was a very long process because I was looking for a motor with a CHP of 3 or greater because of running. Most of the reviews on the running forums said to buy a treadmill with at least a 3.0CHP (Horsepower) motor. Sole had a good reputation and my neighbor purchased the F80 with a 3.5 CHP. I went back and forth, but couldn't justify spending $500 more just for 0.5 CHP more. Here is my advice. If you run more than 50 miles a week on a treadmill, go with the F80. I love my treadmill and am so happy with the purchase. I run at least 3 miles at a time at a pace of 10mph with sprints. I use the treadmill about 6 days a week and it's been great. I was so relieved to come back to this treadmill after running on my parents' Nordic Track (2.25 CHP) during a vacation.

  • Solmaz - Incredible!!

    I first used a sample of this product which I received from Sephora and then I saw the results right away after only a week.

  • Jake "The Wolfman" Sanchez - Don't Mess With the Lupine Trinity!!!

    I've read several reviews from people who have wished that their Three Wolf Moon shirts had more wolves. It makes sense, right? The more wolves, the better. Yeah, and why don't you paint more angels on The Sistene Chapel, and correct the Mona Lisa's smile? While you're at it, maybe you could add a few tracks to Sgt. Pepper, and make the Great Wall even greater by adding a Starbucks and a Cinnabon. People, it's not like some art school dropout with an airbrush just pulled this design out of his . . . bag of tricks. No. There are three wolves and one moon for a reason.

  • Josh - I like the harness

    I like the harness. Did what it was suppose to but I had to rewire it a bit. The light in the switch would stay on when connected to the battery directly, even if the car was off. And if you connected it to a parking light so that it would turn off when the car was off the wire would have too much current and get too hot. So I had to rewire the lightbar power from the battery and the light in the switch to the parking lights. All can be done via this harness and just took a little time to think it though but it works now

  • Martha I. Carriedo - Did not work at all - felt nothing

    I am glad this stuff work for some people but it did NOT work for me at all. I didn't feel any different. Would not buy it again.