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  • Christine L. Wodke - Great Resouce

    If you need to get information on HR issues or are doing training around HR issues, then get this book. Nicely written and well organized.

  • Michael Dobey - this one delivers on thrills.

    On blu ray this looks as good as it did at the theater. It's not supposed to deep filmmaking , instead it's a thrill ride of complete disaster. It's over the top and exciting and that's good enough. If you analyze films like these too deeply then you miss the point, it just lays down a the basic disaster senario on a larger scale. A family tries to survive, ... well everything in this one. However some past flicks like 'earthquake' which should be on blu ray didn't have all the main characters survive and used model work instead of cgi which in this case looks awesome. This is just a fast flick with lots of action so I can't complain, it's not about a real disaster. Hello, the Mayans thought they'd still be around in 2012, so take the calender end of the world thing with a grain of salt. Now if you want a real disaster just look at all of the plastic clogging up everything, lakes, streams, the oceans, but the giant plastic pollution disaster is not going to make a great fun flick. This is worth watching and owning on blu ray , just don't overanalyze this disaster flick, or any of them for that movie. Disaster movies are escapist fun.

  • Ruth A. Roybal - Scarred permanantly from using Proactive acne wash

    I believe using Proactive acne treatment gave me a permanent scar. I've used other products on my acne and this is the only one that seemed to make a scar on this pimple that gave me trouble for a long time. I just kept using the cleanser (the one that dyes your towels and washcloths). I guess I should have taken that as a bad sign. This is a really expensive and harsh chemical to use on your skin. I canceled my Proactive and they would not stop sending me the brochures. I even called to cancel the brochures. Finally, I wrote to them regarding the wash and how it left me scarred and they never got back to me. Fortunately, their mail finally stopped. Unfortunately for me, I have a permanent scar. Do yourself a favor and do not get Proactive,. Instead, see a dermatologist. Mine finally prescribed a lotion that worked for me. You can find cheaper alternatives that work, and once you find that, stick with it.

  • Bob Newcastle - Would recommend to anyone who enjoys a night out but wants ...

    Sobur has been incredibly beneficial in curbing the ill after effects of a long night of drinking. Being a college student, I have been able to test this product quite a lot of times and have been pleasantly surprised by the results. I wake up in the morning unencumbered from the night befores activities. Would recommend to anyone who enjoys a night out but wants to mitigate the consequences.

  • michele76 - the wash itself is great. But make a note to double check your ...

    This is completely overpriced!!! I had searched for a three pack of these baby washes and this came up in the list of results. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it was a single bottle and not the three pack I searched for. Save your money and buy a bottle for $8 in any grocery store or Walmart or Target, the wash itself is great. But make a note to double check your items before you purchase online.